Saturday, September 11, 2010

Hydration: Part 2

While I'm on the subject of hydration, I might as well take it one step further. If you're going to be in the backcountry for any amount of time longer than a day hike, it is important that you are able to hydrate well and often. In many places that are "still wild" it may not be necessary to filter and we can freely drink from streams and creeks. Most places, however, require some sort of water treatment before drinking. Many people choose to save weight and bring iodine tablets. I've actually never used them (too many icky stories from friends). From what I've heard, they make the water taste metallic and you cannot drink the treated water instantly. With this said, it is a good idea to carry iodine tablets in your medical kit just in case your filter breaks or is on the fritz. If you must use iodine, my friend Chloe always uses Raspberry Zinger Tea to mask the flavor :)
The first water filter I ever used was a choice ceramic filter belonging to Tim. While it does a great job filtering and is relatively easy to clean, it is rather heavy and requires a lot of love. Ceramic filters are fragile when you are working on them which increases your chance of breaking them, so if you have one of these.....handle with care!
We stumbled upon our newest choice by chance. Last summer, Tim and I were heading out to Yosemite when we realized we had only brought iodine tabs. It also happened to be late in the season so our chances of finding clean water were minimal. We pulled into the last little store in the park and bought the only water filter they had (it didn't hurt that it was 60% off!). We really didn't know much about this model (though Katadyn is a very reputable brand), but took the chance on the Katadyn Vario. Wow, were we pleasantly surprised! While this filter still has a small ceramic part, it's main component is a glass fiber and charcoal filter which makes for a much lighter load! The pump handles well, pumps smoothly, can handle even the muckiest water and is compatible with all kinds of bottles and bladders. I highly recommend this water filter. It makes pumping water in the backcountry so much easier...even fun! Check out this video!

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